News 4 Most Interesting Things You Can Do with ChatGPT-4o

4 Most Interesting Things You Can Do with ChatGPT-4o

ChatGPT-4o is here along with new features. Want to know how it can make your life easier? We've prepared 4 of the most interesting things you can do with it, from transcribing notes from images to summarizing long documents.

4 Most Interesting Things You Can Do with ChatGPT-4o

Excitement around ChatGPT doesn’t wane. One reason is the introduction of the new ChatGPT-4o model, which will now be available for free. The upgrade has brought a number of new features and capabilities. Therefore, most people have started using it not only for work and study but also in everyday life. Join us as we look at the 4 most interesting things you can do with ChatGPT-4o.

What is ChatGPT-4o?

In short, it is a language model from OpenAI, available to the public since 2022. Although it hasn't been around for long, it has undergone significant changes.

Currently, there are three versions available, namely:

  • GPT-3.5 – suitable for general queries, but does not have access to advanced tools such as image generation, conversation management, or internet search
  • GPT-4 – works with a wide range of tools, is faster, and handles very complex tasks
  • GPT-4o – the most advanced model, processing and generating text, images, and sound

The last mentioned was launched in early May 2024. Overall, the new model is better at understanding context and processing natural language. Improvements have also been made to conversation functions, which are more accurate and can be conducted in dozens of different languages, including Czech.

4 Most Interesting Things You Can Do with ChatGPT-4o

ChatGPT-4o is useful for work, study, self-education, or small administrative tasks that unnecessarily consume your free time. Let’s see how it can make your life easier.

  1. Convert Image to Text

ChatGPT-4o can read text from images, including handwritten text. You can easily digitalize notes, letters, and screenshots that you would otherwise have to tediously transcribe. It also easily identifies names of people and items – a feature particularly useful when sorting lists.

  1. Personal Assistant or Tutor

Don’t want to pay for a personal assistant or an English tutor? You don’t have to; ChatGPT-4o can easily replace both. As mentioned, the model can communicate with you, even in Czech. It still has its flaws, but in most cases, it will understand you.

In no time, you can create your own voice assistant who answers your questions or helps with learning. You can customize the assistant to meet your needs – for example, it can correct you while practicing English or add context to a discussed topic.

  1. Image Generation

With ChatGPT-4o, you can generate images through the DALL-E system, just like with the previous version. It is directly connected to the model. Simply type a command into the chat, and within moments, the ready image is in front of you.

Although developers have added a few improvements, it still has shortcomings. Don’t expect it to instantly create a realistic photo of a person or generate a clear infographic at the snap of a finger. Text in images is its Achilles' heel, with which it still struggles.

  1. Research and Data Analysis

With the launch of GPT-4o, you finally gain access to a number of premium features that were previously paid. You have internet search capabilities, where ChatGPT searches various sources and creates a detailed research report on any topic. Additionally, it can perform complex analyses of multi-page documents.

From the uploaded data, it creates tables, charts, or presentations. If your boss is pressing you to create a presentation for a client, you can generate it in a few clicks. When using it, be cautious about the data you share – avoid sensitive personal data and strategic information that competitors could use.

Interested in ChatGPT-4o? If so, don’t hesitate and give it a try. You now have access to features for free that were previously available only to paying users. There’s no time to waste; according to many job market experts, it’s not AI that will win but people who know how to work with it. You can be one of them, just open your computer and start learning.

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